Panic Attack Symptoms Women Suffer

There are some panic attack symptoms women don’t recognize as such and mistake as symptoms related to other, more serious physical problems. They may ask, “What could possibly be causing the symptoms I am experiencing besides my heart, or cancer?” The horrible feeling of the heart racing, followed by sweating, nausea, or vomiting can be scary. The truth is the panic attack, though serious at the moment, usually doesn’t hurt you.

The body has a serious reaction to feelings associated with panic that may mimic those associated with a real heart attack. The truth is, women who suffer from high anxiety, or panic attacks have a higher likelihood of developing heart disease than those with lower stress levels. This is an alarming statistic that helps us understand panic attack symptoms women suffer from are to be taken seriously. Those with unmanaged depression, some illnesses such as thyroid imbalance, or even fibromyalgia, have symptoms that can be similar to panic attacks.

Recognizing this, the panic attack symptoms women have that point to the illnesses mentioned; need to be sorted out by professionals. Surprisingly large numbers of people every year are rushed to the emergency room with what they assume is a heart attack. A stress test is used to determine if the body is experiencing a true heart attack associated with a blockage or if it is too much stress causing the strain on the body that leads to chest pains.

At the moment a panic attack occurs, the body reacts in a defensive manner to whatever triggers the panic. The muscles tense and restrict the oxygen flow needed to relax them and due to this restriction there is a glucose imbalance. As a result the body becomes nauseated or dizzy causing a faint feeling. One may experience

shaking and extreme fear. Can you see how one reaction can feed another? Can you also determine if it is your heart with a blockage causing chest pains, are you really having a heart attack? Likely you answered, “No.”  The doctor can’t tell either without examining you and sometimes running tests, but you cannot afford to just dismiss the symptoms.

Our bodies are magnificently made to operate smoothly, but sometimes we all need a “tune-up” so to speak. Regular physical check-ups are critical when suffering from angina, chest pains, or any of the panic attack symptoms women may have. Panic attack sufferers have shown improvement from good medical care. A change of pace, or lifestyle adjustment may be more essential than you think. Don’t put it off any longer; you deserve better Click Here.


3 responses to “Panic Attack Symptoms Women Suffer”

  1. Leila Mio Avatar
    Leila Mio

    Chest pain may be a symptom of a number of serious conditions and is generally considered a medical emergency. Even though it may be determined that the pain is non-cardiac in origin, this is often a diagnosis of exclusion made after ruling out more serious causes of the pain.”*-;

    Stay in touch

  2. Leona Hustace Avatar
    Leona Hustace

    Panic disorder sometimes runs in families, but no one knows for sure why some people have it while others don’t. Researchers have found that several parts of the brain are involved in fear and anxiety. By learning more about fear and anxiety in the brain, scientists may be able to create better treatments. Researchers are also looking for ways in which stress and environmental factors may play a role.*”;”

    Remember to find out about our own homepage

  3. I just had my first full blown panic attack about an hour ago dirnug a class, I felt like I needed to run out of there. I became cold and shakey, I thought I was going to throw up. I went on youtube to find a way to stop it, and after this video I feel like im in control again. Thanks so much, I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital.