Archive for December, 2010

Courage and Panic Attacks

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010:

People who have never experienced a panic attack often judge the anxious person harshly. The outsider has no real comprehension of what is happening to the person experiencing a panic attack and wonders why they fear to do the simplest things. I know myself that I could not understand how overnight I went from being a confident young man to someone who became anxious of common everyday situations. Going places took on a whole new dimension as I constantly evaluated if being there might trigger a panic attack. I had to force myself to do very simple things like go […] Read More →

Do you fear a panic attack could strike at any moment?

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010:

Sometimes people have the impression that their experience of anxiety is like being hooked up to an electroshock machine and that it just takes a flick of the anxiety switch to cause a flood leading to a full blown panic attack. People in this situation often feel that are lucky to make it through the day without that switch been flicked but in the back of their mind they fear that it could happen at any moment day or night. They remain on high alert anticipating it. Anticipating the big one! In fact most people who experience panic attacks fear […] Read More →

Setbacks Happen On The Road To Recovery

Monday, December 13th, 2010:

Have you ever wondered why people often experience setbacks when they begin to tackle their anxiety? Setbacks happen because, as you face your anxiety and the situations that make you feel uncomfortable, the avoidant/protective side of your personality becomes active. When you decide to tackle your anxiety issue head on, the protective side of your personality would rather that you left well enough alone. Your protective side doesn’t like taking risks and feels better when you don’t put yourself in situations that make you feel anxious. It’s the part of you that says: “Let’s stay in our comfort zone today. […] Read More →

Water Helps Ease General Anxiety!

Monday, December 13th, 2010:

Today I want to look at something so simple  and yet equally powerful in alleviating the symptoms of general anxiety. This tip also helps reduce the frequency and strength of panic attacks. Fresh Drinking Water There is no quicker way to significantly reduce  general anxiety than adopting good eating and drinking habits.  One of the most easily implemented  and effective additions to your diet is fresh water. Water is a great quencher of thirst but more importantly here –a great quencher of anxiety. Nearly every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water through […] Read More →

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