kartik gridview column width

Closure: you can set it to an anonymous function with the following signature: the $summary variable will be replaced with the calculated summary using the summaryFunc setting. Alternatively, you can load the free version of Font Awesome from their CDN. View this complete web tip on how to setup your model, controller, and view with GridView Editable columns to manipulate records. The yii2-grid extension can be installed automatically or manually using one of these options: Installation via Composer is the recommended and most easy option to install Krajee Yii2 extensions. Defaults to ×. This is achievable by setting the following property for the community as free open source code, and maintaining this demonstration site. vAlign: string, the vertical alignment of the column. responsive: boolean, whether the grid table will have a responsive style. Similarly, if bsVersion is set to 3.x and yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap is not installed, an exception message will be thrown mentioning you to install the yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap extension. Yii2KartikDetailViewSelect2ID; yii2 select2 gridview filter searchmodel; Yii2Kartik Gridview2; Gridview; kartikselect2 Yii2; ExpandRowColumnKartikgridview; Kartik . The following parameters are applicable to control this behavior. This is similar to itemLabelPlural Defaults to ,. menuOptions: array, HTML attributes for the export dropdown menu. You can also change this behavior to ENABLE toggling by ENTIRE ROW CLICK, by setting enableRowClick to true. Defaults to 4. Hence you can use formula columns to calculate data from any DataColumn including calculated data from other FormulaColumn (except self-referencing itself). true. 5 or 5.1.0 or 5.x). \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style::applyFromArray(). You can download Font Awesome 5.x icons from the icons website. If I sort for the column the grid is updated correctly with pjax e.g. This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. pageSummaryOptions: array, HTML attributes for the page summary cell. floatHeader or floatFooter or floatPageSummary is also enabled to to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only CSV export format. from_pdf: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for only PDF export format. If not set this will be auto generated. containerOptions: array|boolean, the HTML attributes for the grid container. You can now visit the Krajee Webtips Q & A footerRowOptions: array, HTML attributes for the table footer row. You need to install one of yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap or yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4 or yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 extensions manually in your application to enable Bootstrap 3.x or 4.x or 5.x functionality respectively. true: the page summary for the column will be calculated and displayed using the pageSummaryFunc setting. hidePageSummary: boolean, whether to just hide the page summary for display but still calculate the summary based on pageSummary settings. This setting will be applied for all Krajee Extension Asset Bundles that depend on Bootstrap assets. us a . Not seeing the updated content on this page! Note, that for responsive grids, the header and footer this.clubsGrid.Columns[0].Width = Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridViewLength.Auto; The values that could be assigned to the property are enumerated below: SizeToCells: The width is set according to the longest text from the cells. Defaults to 0. decPoint: string, decimals point character (for number format only). Any donation would help us maintain our resources better and help improve our plugins or Defaults to true. content via ajax. The callbacks should use the following signature: where, $url is the URL that the column creates for the button, and $model is the model object to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only TEXT export format. Note that when using add the default CSS kv-table-footer for maintaining a consistent sticky styling. The default exportConfig is setup as below: You can choose to display only the download formats you want in the export menu and reorder them as you need. Thanks gamitg for giving me a light so i have changed my code as. For example: options: array, HTML attributes for the group header row. DevExpress GridView How to fix a DevExpress GridView extension's width while keeping its columns' widths resizable 2014-02-01 14:53:51 . pageSummaryFunc: Defaults to GridView::F_COUNT. Allow multi level/complex grouping and making a sub group dependent on a parent group. pageSummaryFunc: string, the summary function used to calculate the page summary for the column. If the dropdown property is For example, this currently is set as a default to convert the HTML formatted icons for BooleanColumn to user friendly text like Active or Inactive after export. It allows calculated data for the column, based on values of other columns in the grid (just like spreadsheets). Ability to merge columns in the summary group header or footer. but this is applicable for languages like Russian, where the plural label can be different for fewer item count. float footer behavior. jsonReplacer: array|JsExpression, the JSON replacer property - can be an array or a JS function created using JsExpression. enableCache: boolean, whether to enable caching of the expand detail content. Yii2 GridView cannot set column width. Defaults to false. This allows you to set a filter input type other than the default text or dropdown list. You can Yii/Kartik Filter Gridview. We accept donations through To install yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4, add the repo to the require section of your application's composer.json. If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where $model, $key, and $index refer to the model, key and index of the row currently being rendered, and $column is a reference to the \kartik\grid\DataColumn object. outputMessage: string|Closure, the output error message from the editable. You may also manually install the extension to your project (in case your composer install does not work). By default, scrolling is disabled for the Grid in UI for ASP.NET MVC and UI for ASP.NET MVC. The EditableColumnAction offers a quick easy way to setup your controller action for updating, saving and managing the EditableColumn output from GridView. ZIP For example: floatFooter: boolean, whether the grid table will have a floating table footer at the bottom. that if this is true the column is rendered, but hidden from display. Summaries can include advanced calculations using a javascript callback configuration. Defaults to ['class'=>'close', 'title'=>'Clear selection']. {panelBefore}: The content to be placed before the grid header and after the panel heading. Defaults to 'export'. downloadAction: mixed, the action (url) used for downloading exported file. One can override this and prevent the default yii2 bootstrap assets (CSS & JS) from loading by doing one or all of the following: Global Override: Set Yii::$app->params['bsDependencyEnabled'] to false in your Yii 2 application config params.php. Complex configurations of groups will allow - group properties to be set dynamically using Closure. This will automatically Yii2 GridView on steroids. use kartik\grid\GridView; use yii\helpers\Html; // shows how you can add in your own tags e.g. The following properties are available within \kartik\grid\DataColumn, \kartik\grid\FormulaColumn, \kartik\grid\EditableColumn, \kartik\grid\BooleanColumn, and \kartik\grid\SerialColumn to control your Excel Export formats: xlFormat: string, the cell format for EXCEL exported content. Since v3.5.0, there is no external plugin Will be used only if you set filterType to a widget classname that exists. If you wish to display a dropdown separator {toolbar}: Will be replaced with the toolbar property set. If this is not set, $model[$attribute] will be used to obtain the value. Krajee Plugins) and choose this current page is set to true. showConfirmAlert: boolean, whether to show a confirmation alert dialog before download. This can also be an anonymous function (Closure). This is applicable when configuring this column \kartik\export\ExportMenu. icon: string|array|NULL|false, the icon HTML attributes as an array, or the raw icon markup as string, for the delete action button, or false or NULL to disable the icon and just use text label instead. When you set the responsive use the same formula to generate the footer. If you set this property to true and This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. For example if you set this to `customCallback`, the function should be of the signature: `function customCallback(source, data) { return custom_convert(source, data); }`. When set as a string, this is not HTML encoded. grid grouping and also used in the ExpandRowColumn. hidden: boolean, whether the column is hidden from display. If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: model: mixed, is the data model of the row currently being rendered. panelAfterTemplate: string, the template for rendering the panel after block. panelFooterTemplate: string, the template for rendering the panel footer block. If set to true, the entire GridView readonly: boolean, whether to prevent rendering the editable behavior and display a readonly data. hAlign: Defaults to GridView::ALIGN_CENTER, vAlign: Defaults to GridView::ALIGN_MIDDLE. 6) Moving the gridview outside of the container and making the width smaller. config array, the additional configuration settings that are specific to each file format/type. Defaults to true. Applicable To add a SerialColumn to the gridview, add it to the [[GridView::columns|columns]] configuration as follows: . When enabled, the widget will automatically attempt to group similar sequential row data into one single column. can be parsed using the PHP unserialize method. for the grid: replaceTags: array, tags to replace in the rendered layout. The yii2-dynagrid module is a great complementary addition to the kartik-v/yii2-grid module, enhancing it with personalization features. If this is empty, no group footer will be rendered. The following array keys are recognized: mergeColumns: array, the columns that will be merged as from, to pairs. Defaults to ltr. Defaults to false. Php Yii2Kartik gridviewSql,php,mysql,gridview,yii2,kartik-v,Php,Mysql,Gridview,Yii2,Kartik V,Yii2 index.phpkartik gridview Defaults to ['.sr-only', '.hide']. This is not html encoded. We strive hard in creating high quality Yii2 Extensions and JQuery plugins I have the here the two code snippets: documents and documentsSearch. groupEvenCssClass: string|Closure, the even group css class. Defaults to empty string. This is different than the visible property, in the sense, Once done, hard refresh this page (. add the default CSS kv-table-header for maintaining a consistent sticky styling. For more information about this mode, see Column Fill Mode in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control. However, I am using an ObsevableCollection of GridViewDataColumns to generate the columns of my grid. ColumnHeader lickedCol = (ColumnHeader)this.listView1.Columns[e.Column]; MessageBox.Show(lickedCol.Text); . because only one sticky container can exist at the top or bottom. If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where $model, $key, and $index refer to the model, key and index of the row currently being rendered, and $column is a reference to the \kartik\grid\DataColumn object. kvexprow:loaded: This event is triggered after the ajax content has been successfully loaded. This uses the JQuery ResizableColumns plugin for resize and store.js for localStorage persistence. Applicable only if bootstrap is true. {panelAfter}: The content to be placed after the grid footer and before the panel footer. Defaults to ['class' => 'kv-table-footer'], captionOptions: array, HTML attributes for the table caption. falseLabel: string, the label for the false value. For other cases when this is null or not set, this will default to the falseLabel. Either detail OR detailUrl must be entered. For example headerOptions, contentOptions, beforeHeader, footerOptions etc. The grid will automatically reset and style sub groups within parent groups based on this setting. xlFormat: string, the cell format for EXCEL exported content. If bsVersion is set to 4.x and yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4 is not installed, then an exception message will be thrown mentioning you to install the yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4 extension. and the values are the corresponding button rendering callbacks. The following special variables are recognized and will be replaced: {type}: The panel contextual type (one of the GridView TYPE constants). How do I set the width of the a GridViewDataColumn to fill. tag: string, the tag used to render the page summary. Applicable only if bootstrap is true. data: array, the text values of each of the child columns in this group. width: string, the width of each column - matches the CSS width property. Telerik WPF GridViewGridViewGridViewSelectedItems []Telerik WPF GridView get SelectedItems of GridView in a GridView 2012-07-31 14:50:13 1 3245 c# / wpf / gridview / telerik / hierarchy If not set or empty will not be displayed. You can install yii2-grid via composer package manager. the $data variable will contain array of the selected page rows for the column. resizableColumnsOptions: array, plugin options for resizable columns. function that will return a string. Defaults to false. index: integer, is the zero-based index of the data model among the models array returned by GridView::dataProvider. options string, array, HTML attributes for each export menu item. Ability to disable the expand / collapse behavior and indicators for selective rows. $value: string|Closure, the value that will be replaced. Supported formats are determined by the [[GridView::formatter|formatter]] used by the [[GridView]]. collapseTitle: string, title to display on hover of collapse indicator for each row. Defaults to slow. SYNOPSIS. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the format settings for the column. If set as a string, it will be displayed as is, without any HTML encoding. The page summary is an additional row above the footer - for displaying the summary/totals for the current GridView page. Defaults to true. In case you are overriding this property at runtime, either use your own CSS class/ style or expandAllTitle: string, title to display of expand indicator at the header. the gridview is formatted for export. To hide and disable this section completely, set this to false. Defaults to false. state: boolean, whether expanded true or collapsed false. If the grid's data has This is validated only if group is set to true. clearOptions: array, the HTML attributes for the clear button in the header. colHeads: array, the column heading names to be output in the json file. Defaults to false. skip-export: Will skip this element during export for all formats (html, csv, txt, xls, pdf, json). If set to one of GridView::F_COUNT, GridView::F_SUM, GridView::F_AVG, GridView::F_MAX, or GridView::F_MIN, the values will be auto summarized. The grid offers ability to configure toolbar for adding various actions. This occurs when you set the detailUrl property in ExpandRowColumn for triggering the ajax call to load expanded content. Krajee Webtips Q & A \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style::applyFromArray(). If set as an array, each row in this array 5 or 5.1.0 or 5.x). Automatically caches the content loaded via ajax so that the content is rendered from local on toggling the expand / collapse indicators, until the grid state is changed via filtering, sorting, or pagination. There are two kinds of automatic sizing in the DataGridView control: column fill mode and content-based automatic sizing. pageSummary: boolean|string | Closure, the page summary that is displayed above the footer. To hide and disable this section completely, set this to false. If null or not set, the default icon with CSS fas fa-pencil will be displayed as the icon for the default button. With version v2.1.0, if you are using the yii2-dynagrid extension it automatically displays the personalize, sort, and filter buttons in the toolbar. The grid grouping properties are available within \kartik\grid\DataColumn. This will be rendered using panelBeforeTemplate. Should be one of GridView ALIGN constants as mentioned below. showModelErrors: bool, whether to show model errors if outputMessage is empty or not set. A module with various modifications and enhancements to one of the most used widgets by Yii developers. The following jQuery plugin events are available for the expand row column. resizeStorageKey: string, resizable unique storage prefix to append to the grid id. This is an advanced usage of the ExpandRowColumn for the kartik\grid\GridView widget. Defaults to Expand All. Supports the following additional outside the container on the body, the header / footer will not float and be sticky. Defaults to kv-group-even. colDelimiter string, string, the the column delimiter string for TEXT and CSV downloads. This should be similar to the items property as supported by \yii\bootstrap\ButtonDropdown widget. expandIcon: string, icon for the expand indicator. Defaults to: You can set your own module identifier instead of gridview by setting/overriding the GridView::moduleId property. page (e.g. Note that excel cell formats needs to be set using mso-number-format specifications. Set the `detailUrl` property directly or via a Closure callback using column parameters. float header behavior. You can use the col($i, $params) function to refer a column value in every row. You can set the following properties for each DataColumn for configuring the group grid. Should be one of: all: toggle button settings for all grid data display, page: toggle button for showing first page data. NOTE: As seen above, the special tags {export} and {toggleData} just need to be positioned appropriately in the toolbar. striped: boolean, whether the grid table will have a striped style. Refer the Bootstrap Info section for details and pre-requisites on setting this property. Note: the page export items will be automatically rowOptions: array, HTML attributes for each table row. If set to an empty string, this Normally this generates the HTML link to display for each action button. The $value can take in special function names to summarize values for the column. If not set as an array, this can be passed as a callback function of the signature: function ($model, $key, $index), where: key: mixed, is the key associated with the data model. Defaults to Actions. If not set will default to default or GridView::TYPE_DEFAULT. grid header row. config/params.php): If GridView::bsVersion property is set, in addition to Yii::$app->params['bsVersion'], the extension level setting (GridView::bsVersion property) will override the Yii::$app->params['bsVersion']. forum GridView::POS_BOTTOM or 'bottom' to position it at the BOTTOM of the table body. bootstrap is true. appropriate question category (i.e. property to true, a CSS class of table-responsive will be automatically added to the container. If this is not set, it will derive values automatically using the following rules: If GridView bootstrap property is set to true, it will default to GridView::ICON_EXPAND or , If GridView bootstrap property is set to false, then it will default to +. To align a dropdown at the right edge of the page container, you set this to: dropdownMenu: array, the HTML attributes for the Dropdown menu container. Either run: to your application's composer.json file. Defaults to 'raw'. Yii2 GridView on steroids. toggleDataOptions: array, the settings for the toggle data button for the toggle data type. For example: floatPageSummary: boolean, whether the grid table will have a floating page summary at the because only one sticky container can exist at the top or bottom. viewOptions: array, HTML attributes for the view action button. I have use this css as internal css. Ability to batch expand or batch collapse grid rows from the header. right to left). This can be an array or an anonymous function of the signature: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where: detailRowCssClass: string, the CSS class for the detail content table row. showClear: boolean, whether to show the clear button in the header to clear the selected rows and radio. To hide a format, just do not add it to exportConfig. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. The grid offers ability to plugin components or widgets. Similar, to headerContainer and footerContainer, you can control other styling, like offsets. are recognized and will be replaced: {export}: string, which will render the $export menu button content. It turbo charges your grid view by making it dynamic and personalized for each user. The following settings are recognized: neverTimeout: boolean, whether the pjax request should never timeout. The anonymous function should have the signature function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where: key mixed, is the key associated with the data model, index integer, is the zero-based index of the data model among the models array returned by GridView::dataProvider, column ExpandRowColumn, is the column object instance. in between just return

  • . By default shows a toggle icon to expand/collapse each row or toggle all rows. The following export file formats are supported: Ability to preprocess and convert column data to your desired value before exporting. Users can change the row height by dragging the row header dividers. Defaults to Are you sure to delete this {item}?, where the {item} token will be replaced with the Defaults to ['class'=>'kv-panel-after']. generated based on settings in the exportConfig property. items-many within the grid summary text. You could override and manually set pjaxSettings['options']['id'] if you need your own pjax container identifier. in the question related to field. If content is loaded via ajax, the batch expand and collapse will fire the ajax requests to load and use intelligently from cache where possible. The $value a format specification setup as an array containing one or more of the following options: format: string, whether number or callback. You can customize these values by editing theme.gridTemplateColumns or theme.extend.gridTemplateColumns in your tailwind.config.js file.. You have direct access to the grid-template-columns CSS property here so you can make your custom column values . Similar, grid footer row. The class using this trait, must implement kartik\base\BootstrapInterface. yii2-grid is released under the BSD-3-Clause License. The following special option is recognized: label: string, the label for the button. Yii2 GridView on steroids. This is different than the visible property, in the sense, filename string, the base file name for the generated file. worksheet string, the active worksheet name for the downloaded excel file. The extension automatically passes the following data parameters to the server URL as POST data: expandRowKey mixed, is the key associated with the data model, expandRowInd integer, is the zero-based index of the data model among the models array returned by GridView::dataProvider. The $i is the column based index (starting from 0 from the leftmost column of the grid). For glyphicons, it defaults to one In addition, one can virtually define their own tags in the grid layout - and dynamically replace them via code at runtime. from AtoZ to ZtoA. skip-export-csv: Will skip this element during export for csv export format. will not be displayed. The widget contains new additional Grid Columns with enhanced settings for Yii Framework 2.0. Defaults to true. The toolbar is by default styled using Bootstrap button groups. If null or not set, the default icon with CSS fas fa-trash will be displayed as the icon for the default button. This property is useful if you have multiple ExpandRowColumn on the same grid (although it is recommended to have only one ExpandRowColumn per grid). GridView::ROW_NONE or -1: no indicator will be displayed for the row. You can get the checked rows very similar to how you would do it for a default yii\grid\CheckboxColumn. Defaults to true. contentFormats: array, footer content formats for each column. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of kartik\grid\GridView extracted from open source projects. messages: array, the the configuration of various messages that will be displayed at runtime: allowPopups: string, the message to be shown to disable browser popups for download. If set as a string, it will be returned as is. This will override the to property set earlier specifically for CSV export format. to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only JSON export format. Defaults to Disable any popup blockers in your browser to ensure proper download.. confirmDownload: string, the message to be shown for confirming to proceed with the download. This is the horizontal alignment of each column. itemLabelSingle: string, the default label shown for each record in the grid (singular). This is different than the visible property, in the sense, This will automatically set the header, body, footer, and page summary to this value. Defaults to true. The widget contains new additional Grid Columns with enhanced You can set this to apply specific classes to the row. The toolbar is new feature and more enhanced with release v2.1.0 of the GridView widget. The following additional options are recognized: label: string, the label for the view action button. Defaults to GridView::TYPE_DANGER. hover: boolean, whether the grid table will highlight row on hover. The major features provided by this module . or This is different than the visible property, in the sense. The following special variables are recognized and will be replaced: {footer}: The footer text/content which will be passed via panel['footer'] setting. It also uses the AJAX mode of rendering content in this demo (which is set via the detailUrl property). array, the bootstrap grid column css prefixes mapping, the key is the bootstrap versions, and the value is an array containing the sizes and their corresponding grid column css prefixes. generated based on settings in the exportConfig property. Refer the Excel Export Formatting section for details. trueLabel: string, the label for the true value. If set to one of GridView::F_COUNT, GridView::F_SUM, GridView::F_AVG, GridView::F_MAX, or GridView::F_MIN, the values will be auto summarized. showNullAsFalse: boolean, whether to display the falseIcon if cell value is null. Default format is "text" which will format the value as an HTML-encoded plain text when [[\yii\i18n\Formatter]] is used as the [[GridView::$formatter|formatter]] of the GridView. When this is set to true, the ajax call to detailUrl is only fired for the first time and cached for the specific row. Thanks in advance! options: array, the HTML attributes for the table row. This is different than the visible property, in the sense, that the column is rendered, but hidden . ItemStyle-Width="300px"300px kvexprow:toggle: This event is triggered on toggling an expand column in each table row and will trigger for either expand or collapse. to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only PDF export format.

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