Anxious Thoughts and Uneasy Feelings
If you seem to have an uneasy feeling all the time that you just can’t shake, then read on.
Lots of people in good physical shape have difficulty with stress, depression, panic attack, or just overall tiredness. At the pace we live our lives today any one of these things can overwhelm a person before he or she knows it. I have started this site hoping to put a lot of information and solutions all in one place. Look around, click on some of the links and see if the material being presented makes sense. Come back often, new ideas will be posted frequently.
One type of Uneasy Feeling, and maybe the most urgent, if it is happening to you, is panic disorders.
Panic Attack Symptoms include:
- Feeling faint, with weakness or dizziness
- Your pulse seems to be racing out of control
- An overwhelming feeling of disaster
- Fingers and hands go numb,
- You might feel clamy, or cold chills
- Sharp hurting in the chest
- Taking a breath seems difficult
Panic attacks are usually short and last about ten minutes, but some of the symptoms may linger for quite a long time. When a person has had one panic attack, they are at greater risk of having more panic attacks later on than those who have never experienced panic attack symptoms. When they happen repeatedly, the person has a condition commonly known as Panic Disorder.
Uneasy Feeling | A dull and constant anxiety
Do you ever feel uncomfortable, have an uneasy feeling with a sense of dread with anxious thoughts that you just cannot explain? Has the problem been growing over a period of time and you feel it is about to get out of hand? Are you having physical symptoms like dizziness and shortness of breath, maybe an increased pulse rate? Do you walk around feeling on the verge of anxiety attacks most of the time?
These and other similar sensations are common for many of us. An uneasy feeling may start when you think of an event or an appointment you have a month down the road or they may come on suddenly from some unexpected situation you find yourself in. This uneasy feeling may even be there for no apparent reason, an ever present heaviness that doesn’t go away. A program called Panic-Away has helped thousands of people with that overwhelming uneasy feeling.
| Click Here For The Panic Away Site
And Help With Your Own Uneasy Feeling |
The details of some of the fears people have may seem trivial, or illogical, or just plain crazy, but if you are the one with this problem it’s no joke. Many individual lives and many families are made miserable by trying to deal with panic related conditions. There is help and it comes in various forms, including drugs, therapy, or self help courses. But the first step is doing the research into your own particular uneasy feeling and Panic Attack Physical Symptoms.
Panic may not be part of your everyday life, in fact you may not get excited about anything anymore and feel gloomy and depressed all the time. Depression is actually an illness that involves your entire body, your thoughts and also your mood. This disorder affects how you eat your food and sleep at night. It plays a huge role in how you feel about certain things and people, and more importantly about yourself. This uneasy feeling is the other extreme.
More people are dealing with depression than ever before. The sales of antidepressant drugs are up. So why are more and more people dealing with depression? Well, the main reason may be their method of treatment. Many drugs are taken by those trying to beat depression, but often medications don’t work or the side effects are almost as bad as the original problem . This is the reason that so many people are now trying out some of the natural remedies for depression. One e-book called the Depression Free Method has helped many. Click Here to read more about the Depression Free Method
Lastly, that uneasy feeling you have could be nothing more than chronic tiredness. These days, it seems like everybody’s feeling tired. In fact, at this very moment, one quarter of the people on this planet feel constantly tired and one in out of every ten visits to the family doctor are because of tiredness. Tiredness is spreading like an epidemic and most people have no idea what to do about it. If you’re one that is experiencing an exhausted, uneasy feeling, this program can help you. It’s called Stop Being Tired and is a quick and effective way to get rid of tiredness naturally. Click Here to read more about it.